Northern Plains Native Americans:

A Modern Wet Plate Perspective



Additional Plates 750-1000 (Volume 4)


Danielle Pauline SeeWalker

"Pretty Feather Tail Woman"

Hunkpapa Lakota

Melanie Jo Baker

"Blue Star Woman"

Standing Rock Sioux

Gloria Ann Brennan

"Flag Woman"


Thomas Jerel Grace, Sr.

"Brave Man"


Genesis Elisa Rosales

"Shining Star From The West"

Turtle Mountain Ojibwe / Cora

Azelena Jozett Rosales

"Warm Mist"

Turtle Mountain Ojibwe / Cora

Shilo Ann Comeau

"Honors Mother Earth Woman"

Hunkpapa / Turtle Mountain Band of Ojibwe


Naomi Lillian Cross

"Loves By The Stars Woman"

Hunkpapa / Oglala


Melanie Ann Minafore

"Flag Woman"


Lola Jolie Weddell

"Comes From The Earth Woman"

Ponca Tribe of Nebraska / Ihanktonwan 

Sabin Michael Vandal-Albertson


Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa 

Chance Lee Rush

"Cloud Boy"

MHA Nation / Hidatsa 

Brian Lee Zarazua, Jr.

"One Buffalo"

MHA Nation / Kickapoo


Mathew Adrian Foolish Bear

"Two Hearts"

Mandan / Hidatsa / Arikara


Ebony Reece Tiger

"Powerful Elk Woman"

Yankton Sioux / Standing Rock Sioux


Caroline Lynae High Elk

"Two Horse Woman"

Mandan / Hidatsa / Arikara / Dakota / Lakota


Molina Lynn Ferguson

"Beautiful One"

Oglala Lakota Sioux

Ayden Benjamin Spears

"His Strong Spirit"

Teton Sicangu / Lakota

Edward Norman Spears

"Walks With The Eagle and Thunder Beings"

Teton Sicangu / Lakota


Michael Adam Spears

"Buffalo Spider"

Teton Sicangu / Lakota


Nikki Lynne LaFromboise


Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa

Benjamin GoodBird III

"Wolf Head"

MHA Nation / Hunkpapa Sioux

Michael Charles Birdsbill III


Fort Peck Assiniboine Sioux

Dalli Jo Keplin

"Blue Shooting Star Woman"

Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa

Prince Roy Sanchez


Yankton Sioux / Mexican

KingRonin Lyric Sanchez


Yankton Sioux / Mexican

Princeston Lee Sanchez


Yankton Sioux / Mexican

Cray John Hudson

"Good Fur Robe"

MHA Nation

Morgan Jay Birds Bill

"Kills With His Knife"

MHA Nation

Justin Thad Baker

"Looks Back"

MHA Nation

Ethan Lee Young Bird

"Buffalo That Wallows"

MHA Nation

Dayle Tapaardjuk Miranaaq Kubluitok



Adam Charles Heiden

and Sophia Isabella Heiden

"Red Roan"

Standing Rock Sioux


Misty Jo Heiden

"Rising With The Sun"

Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate

Maliyah Kiki Heiden

"Pretty Elk"

Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate

Randolph Judson Two Crow, Jr.

"Two Crow"

Oglala Sioux / Rosebud Sioux /

Cheyenne River Sioux

Chandler James Two Crow

"Fearless Bear Boy"

Oglala Sioux / Rosebud Sioux /

Cheyenne River Sioux


Shelley Leah Krueger


MHA Nation

Justine Lee Grinnell

"Brings The Whistle"

MHA Nation

William "Billy" Mervin Mills

"Loves His Country"

Oglala / Lakota

1964 Gold Medal, 10,000 Meters

Tokyo, Japan


Geo.Ann Baker


Paiute (Nu Mu)


Winona Helena LaDuke

"Thunderbird Woman"

White Earth Anishinaabe

Kristopher Kirk Buffalo

"White Eagle Standing"

Nipishkopahk / Kainai


Amanda Gabrielle Ermineskin




Della Rae Foolish Bear-Thunder Hawk

"Foolish Bear"

Oglala Sioux


Shane Michael Martin


Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa

Vekesohvo Komaestse Siwtkw

"Chief of the Water Nation"

Tsitsistas / White Mountain Apache


Connor E. Big Eagle

"His Blue Horse Man"

Hunkpati / Ociti Sakowin

Erica Suzette Crazy Hawk

"Her Star Medicine Woman"

Hunkpati / Ociti Sakowin


Genesis Maxine White Bull

"Star Hand Woman"

Hunkpapa Lakota

Arie Joy Beston

"Red Wind Woman"

Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa


Michelle Lynn Beatty

"She Rides A Yellow Horse"

Nakota / Dakhota / Lakota / A'Aniih

Nichole Edwina Beatty

"Blue Medicine Woman"

Nakota / Dakhota / Lakota / A'Aniih / Caddo

Lakota Tanamae Beatty

"Good Voice Woman"

Nakota / Dakhota / Lakota / A'Aniih / Caddo


Grace Rodriguez

"Spotted Corn Woman"


Cherie Francine Poitra

"Medicine Wind Woman"

Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa

Isabella Rose Poitra


Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa

Tracy Lynne Hauff


Oglala Lakota / Itazipco / Wazaze

MyKenzie Joyce Marie Rouillard

"Butterfly Dances With Horses"

Lower Brule Sioux

Cheryl Lynn Eagy

"Good Heart Woman"

Standing Rock Sioux

Hailey Marie Gates

"White Lightning Woman"

Standing Rock Sioux

Savayla Joynita Fog In The Morning

"Burns Good Cedar"

Crow / MHA Nation / Ihunktuwana


Angel Cherise Cadotte


Standing Rock Sioux

Craig John Lunday

"Spotted Horse"

Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa


Cadence Isabella Teresa Alkire

"Her Many Horses"

Standing Rock Sioux

Ashley DeShawn Alkire

"Her Many Shawls"

Standing Rock Sioux

Farron James Blakely, Jr.

"He Comes to Me"

Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe


Brandon John Blakely

"Little Bear"

Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe

Janey Angelina Blakely

"Thunderbird Woman"

Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe

Lauretta Diane Blakely

"Redtail Hawk Woman"

Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe

Ayanna Ilewin Mani Brings Horse-Maynard

"On Her Journey She Burns"

Cheyenne RIver Lakota Nation Mnicouju

Steven Arthur Belbarde

"Red Thunderbird"

Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa

LeeAnna Marie Butcher-Rittenhouse

"Rocky Mountain Woman"

Cheyenne River Sioux

Sherman ELdon Sorenson



Sherman LeRoy Sierra



Alyssa Micco Hawkins

"Star Blanket Woman"

Oglala Lakota / Navajo / Muscogee Creek

Issabel May Dauphinais

"Walks In Pretty Colors"

Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa

Sonia Nicole Stands

"Walks With Her Pipe Woman"

Sicangu Lakota / Oglala Lakota

Brook Lee Dunham

"Looks For The Needy"

Rosebud Sioux

Jesia Lee High Pipe

"Woman Who Walks in the Sacred Circle"

Rosebud Sioux

Keith Bear

"Northern Lights"

Mandan / Hidatsa / Fort Peck Sioux

Logan Kiyana Nunez

"Keeps Going Girl"

Meskwaki / Ho-Chunk / Potawatomi

Echo Jo Dwarf


Standing Rock Sioux

Charlotte Keahna

"Hunts in the Winter"

Meskwaki / Ho-Chunk / Potawatomi


Israel "Izzy" Esteban Tamayo

"Good Helper Boy"

Sicangu Lakota

Alvis Joel Morsette

"Flying Hawk"

MHA Nation / Sioux / Omaha

Adrianna Alexis Adame


Chippewa Cree

Rowena Standing Alone

"White Blossom"

MHA Nation / Blood Blackfoot

Joeleen Beatrice Morsette


MHA Nation / Blood Blackfoot

Neeta Rose Killspotted

"Takes The Horses Woman"

Standing Rock Sioux

Derrick Jon Littlebear

"Black Elk"

Winnebago Hochunk / Navajo / Crow Creek Sioux

Monica Ann Good Dawn

"Good Day Coming Woman"

Winnebago Hochuck / Mdewakanton Dakota / Santee Sioux / Mexican

MaizLee Jennifer Crissler


Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa

Kanasa McQuade DuBray

"Very Gentle Woman"

Hunkpapa Lakota / Menominee

Jessau Jaymz Devon McLaughlin

"Sweet Grass Woman"

Eastern Shoshone / Crow / Assiniboine

Joseph Teno White Mountain, Jr.

"Bear Who Hunts"

Standing Rock Sioux / Hunkpapa Lakota

Marcie Ann Sinclair

"Singing Willow"

Swampy Cree / Ojibwe

Kailey Andrena Alice Arthurson

"Spotted Eagle Woman"

Swampy Cree / Ojibwe

Claudine Nancy Sinclair


Swampy Cree / Ojibwe

Kimimila Nicole White Mountain

"Woman Who Helps"

Standing Rock Sioux / Hunkpapa Lakota

Tahya Carolann White Mountain

"Compassionate Woman"

Standing Rock Sioux / Hunkpapa Lakota

Tyree Cecilia Ridge Bear

"Ridge Bear"

Arikara / Hidatsa

Julie Margeurite Two Eagle

"Woman From The Eagle Family"

Oglala Lakota

Evelyn Lenore Two Eagle

"Girl Who Walks With A Bow"

Oglala Lakota

Rhonda Joan Two Eagle

"The Woman They Come Looking For"

Oglala Lakota

Tanner William Veo


Cheyenne River Sioux

Walter Lee Rock

"Hunts Along"

MHA Nation / Northern Cheyenne

Paul Heid Williamson

"Wild Horse"

MHA Nation / Northern Cheyenne

Milton Jay Cook


Mnicoujou Lakota

Precious Anneliese Cook

"Spotted Eagle Woman"

Cheyenne River Lakota / Mnicoujou Lakota

Dereck Quenton Stonefish

"Brings Two Pipes"

Oneida / Chippewa

Khanthamalee Dacotak Halsana

"Generous Kindhearted Woman"

Standing Rock Sioux

Malaysia Jacquelynn White Eagle

"Holy Generation Woman"

Standing Rock Sioux

Stephen Beau Kert Hurley

"Buffalo Bones In The Chest"

Standing Rock Sioux

Betty Jean Handley

"White Bear Woman"

Standing Rock Hunkpapa

Christopher Alexander Pina


Standing Rock Hunkpapa

Jersey Amarie Denney

"Two Eagle Woman"

Isanti Dakota Nation


Kiana Destiny Krueger

"Yellow Plume"

Mandan / Hidatsa / Arikara


Contact Information:
Shane Balkowitsch, Ambrotypist
Nostalgic Glass Wet Plate Studio
2703 Big Sky Circle
Bismarck, ND 58503
(701)426-7630 Phone

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Copyright Note: All referenced photographs, images and logos provided above are for informational purposes only and they are the property of their respective owners.